The weegle woo dance

1 Conversation

The weegle woo dance is famous for being the world most stupid song and here it is. In this song has been banned in nearly every country becuase of the terrible accidents its caused and the sales of Tom Saywer it has increaed.

The weegle woo song

A bouzouki.


Weegle to the left, woo to the right

Grab your pies and fight, fight, fight

Cos you’re doing the Weegle woo dance

Verse 1

Grab your partner by the hand

Do not dance just stand, stand, stand

When it starts to gets stupid and starts to get dumb

Just walk away and suck your thumb

Cos you’re doing the Weegle woo dance


Verse 2

Weegle some more, woo even further

Charge your partner of attempted murder

Sit down and read some Tom Sawyer

And by the way go get a lawyer.

Cos you’re doing the Weegle woo dance


Verse 3

If the judge was listening you’d have had a chance

But he was jiving to the weegle woo dance

You lost even though the defence was strong

Please don’t sue me for singing this song

Cos you’re doing the Weegle woo dance

Cos you’re doing the Weegle woo daaaaaaaance

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